The Christmas Box House
Mission Statement
The Christmas Box International, in partnership with local, national, and international communities and groups, provides assistance to prevent child abuse and services to improve the quality of life for children who have been abused or neglected.
Areas of Focus The Christmas Box International has selected the following primary areas of focus for accomplishing our mission:
- Collaborate in the development of state-of-the-art temporary shelter and assessment centers for children that are abused, neglected, abandoned and exploited.
- Assist older youth as they transition out of foster care into adult living.
- Advocate for the provision of the highest quality of care and services to children at risk.
- Promote partnerships among government agencies, charitable organizations, the business community and compassionate members of the community to provide optimal care and support to the children.
- Develop international partners to assist children worldwide.
Africa is Life Changing
Southern Cross Humanitarian
Another organization Shelly Tripp is involved in is called“Southern Cross Humanitarian.”
Southern Cross Humanitarian’s Our Mission:
“We build an environment of security, love, and hope among homeless children to prepare them for launch into society. This is done by creating a self-sustaining model home to provide for physiological (food, medical), safety (shelter, clothes), belonging (positive, spiritual environment), and esteem (education and trade skills) needs.” – Maslow